Bartell's Essentials, 2020
Earlier this year, I participated in a Capstone Case Competition held by the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. My team and I were challenged to come up with a feasible solution to increase foot traffic into Bartell's brick and mortar stores in Seattle, WA. We came up with Bartell's Essentials, a subscription-based program that made Bartell's the one and only choice for consumers' monthly essential purchases. The mobile app allows consumers to customize their monthly essentials, and while they stop at the store to pick up and purchase their products, they are likely to purchase additional items. Bartell's Essentials made it to the final round of the competition.

ColaCao Fit, 2019
During my time abroad in Barcelona, Spain, part of my marketing course was to take an existing Spanish brand and create a new product for their product line. The brand was ColaCao, a chocolate milk mix brand. The product I pitched was ColaCao Fit, a chocolate protein shake for the everyday fitness enthusiast. From conception to the finalized pitch, I created a robust presentation featuring every aspect of the marketing mix and a product that could seamlessly be integrated into their existing product line.

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